Site Corsan


The water and wastewater services provided by Corsan are regulated by the following regulatory agencies:

AGER – Agência Reguladora dos Serviços Públicos Municipais de Erechim
AGERGS – Agência Estadual de Regulação dos Serviços Públicos Delegados do Rio Grande do Sul
AGERST – Agência Reguladora de Serviços Públicos Delegados de Santa Cruz
AGESAN-RS – Agência Reguladora Intermunicipal de Saneamento do Rio Grande do Sul
AGESB – Agência Municipal de Regulação dos Serviços Delegados de São Borja


The services provided are remunerated in the form of tariffs, which are the same throughout the State. These tariffs are differentiated by categories of customers (social, residential, public, industrial and commercial), consisting of a Fixed Rate and a Variable Rate, charged according to consumption ranges, depending on the volume measured in m³.

The tariffs are adjusted annually and revised every 5 (five) years. The tariff adjustment aims to offset the inflationary effects on the provider’s costs over a given period. The periodic tariff review consists of the reassessment of service and maket conditions, with the establishment of efficiency-induction tariff mechanisms, and quality goals for service provision and expansion.

In June 2020, Federal Law Nº 14,026 was enacted, which updated the legal framework for basic sanitation and assigned to the National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA) the power to edit reference standards on sanitation services.