Site Corsan


Corsan is a private company controlled by the Aegea Group, leader in Brazil’s private sanitation industry. The company is headquartered in Porto Alegre and serves a total of 317 municipalities with water and waste water services. This broad coverage means Corsan is the largest player in the region, reaching over 6.3 million people.

The company was founded on December 21st 1965 with the primary goal of bringing drinking water to the population of Rio Grande do Sul. Over a half century later, this objective has come true. As of today, approximately 97% of the population in Corsan-served municipalities is connected to the company’s drinking water network.

The challenge now lies in the universalization of waste water collection and treatment, a service which is currently available to approximately 20% of Corsan’s clients. This mismatch between water and waste water utilities reflects a belated understanding of waste water treatment as an essential step for the preservation of water sources as well as for the health of the population.

Maintaining credibility in water supply and achieving universal access to sanitary sewage – these have been the main goals that guide our investments and the mobilization of our human, technological and financial capital.


To provide top-notch basic sanitation services in the segments and in the area in which it operates, fulfilling its social, environmental and economic role, creating value for its stakeholders.


>    Respect for people

>    Health and safety first

>    Focus on the customer

>    Result-oriented management

>    Enviromental, social and corporate responsibility

>    Professionalism

Strategic Map


Ensure economic and financial sustainability

Ensure commercial efficiency

Improve cost efficiency


Comply with program contracts and the regulation in force

Improve the mechanisms and relationship with customers

Expand the coverage and effectiveness of the sewage system

Strengthen Corsan's brand


Improve organization through efficient and innovative process management

Continuously improve the quality of products and services

Ensure good asset management practices

Improve the business management model in the sanitation context

Ensure actions to contribute with environmental sustainability


Seek organizational and human resources development, strengthening the culture of results-oriented work

Improve communication at all levels of the organization

Improve the management of information and the technologies to support the decision-making process

Efficiently manage people

Improve professional development and share knowledge

Improve the work environment